Club Rides
Standing Club Rides
Monday Night
Description: The Monday night ride is a 27 mile ride with multiple pace groups.We will offer A, B and C level groups. Riders should be able to average 14+ mph. We attempt to make sure that everyone has another rider to ride with. The faster groups will have the opportunity to learn group riding and pace line skills.There will be a brief orientation session for all riders before the ride. All riders are requested to become members of KR Bike Club to ride with the group.
Ride Leader for fast group: Kurt Eby
Ride Leader for moderate group: Curt Hubmann
Co-Ride Leader: Jerry Hoff
Pace: Moderate to face-paced ride with multiple route options: 20+ MPH, 16-18 MPH, and a 14+ MPH option. There is always a "sweep rider" so no one gets left behind.
Distance and terrain: 25 to 30 miles over flat to rolling terrain in rural Yorkville, Dover, and Waterford, WI.
Meeting Location: Yorkville United Methodist Church, 17645 Old Yorkville Road, Union Grove, WI 53182 (63rd Drive and Hwy 20). Map to Location
* Park in the south side of the parking lot, away from the church.
Note: There will be no Monday Night Ride on the following holidays Memorial Day, Fourth of July, and Labor Day
Meeting Time: Start time varies due to daylight, see calendar.
FULL ROUTE GPX FILE: Download this file and KML FILE: Download this file
SHORT CUT GPX ROUTE: Download this file and KML FILE: Download this file
Tuesday Evening Ride
Ride Leader: Lynn Callovi (262)496-0737 or and Amy Ambrose
Pace: 12 - 14 mph (depends on riders)
Distance: 12 - 20 miles (depends on riders)
Meeting Location: Trailhead at 30th Avenue and 89th Street (NEW LOCATION)
Meeting Time: 5:30 P.M.
The Tuesday evening ride is for anyone! This route will be mostly on paved roads, but occasionally we will travel on crushed limestone trails. The routes will vary throughout the season. More information will be added as we get closer to April/May. Hope to see you there!
Wednesday On Wheels
Ride Leader: Jeremy Zorns and Jenn Seivert
*This is a no-drop ride.
Pace: Made for beginners to veterans who would like a slower pace or to learn to ride with a group. Usually 15 MPH
Distance and terrain: 20 -25 miles as routes vary
Meeting Location: Lot JR East of Carlisle Dog Park at Petrifying Springs Park Map to Location
Meeting Time: 6:00 P.M.
Thursday Night - Fun and Fitness Ride
Ride Leader: John Rodriguez, Christy Hoff, Lynn Callovi, Loretta Baxter
*This is a no-drop ride.
Pace: The anticipated pace is 10 – 13 mph. If you are a more advanced rider, you may enjoy one of the other KR Bike club rides.
Distance and terrain: 15 - 18 miles depending on the riders.
Meeting Location: The group will meet in the parking lot of the Trek Store located at 5509 Durand Avenue, Racine. The link to the store is below.
Meeting Time: 5:30 P.M.
Saturday Ride
Ride Leader: Doug Lee, Christy Hoff
*This is a no-drop ride.
Pace: The anticipated average pace is 14-16 mph. If you are a more advanced rider, you may enjoy one of the other KR Bike club rides.
Distance and terrain: Varies on the ride route. See the calendar for ride details. They should be published one month in advance.
Meeting Location: This varies on the ride route that is chosen. See the calendar for details.
Meeting Time: Generally 8:00 A.M., but may be different on special rides. Ride times will be highlighted on the calendar if different.