Kenosha Racine Bike Club

See new Year's Day Photo click Here

Watch the new Safety Video  (below)

Rider Training Website voice.mp4

Serving Southeastern Wisconsin's Bicycling Community

The Kenosha Racine Bike Club is a recreational, social organization dedicated to serving and advocating for the cycling community of southeastern Wisconsin. We wish to provide riders of all abilities and all bike types with opportunities to ride and explore our counties and beyond. The club provides organized, regular rides of varying lengths and varying average ride speeds which are publicized through our social media outlets. We also ensure that each ride has experienced and responsible ride leaders. As a club, we give back to our community through funds earned at our annual club benefit ride. We welcome you to be part of our cycling club and encourage you to ride where it’s cooler by the lake! 

Member's Only Trek Store Discount

See the Friends page for information about discounts available at the Trek Bicycle Store Racine 

Code of Conduct

The Bicycle Club of Kenosha/Racine is all about riding together, having fun, and connecting with others who share our passion for cycling.

The club is committed to upholding an organization that is free from bias, prejudice and harassment – whether verbal, physical or visual.

As a KRBC participant, I promise to practice good behavior and conduct myself in a respectable manner at all rides and events where I am representing KRBC.

Here are the commitments to the Code of Conduct:

KRBC Membership is a privilege. Membership may be revoked, suspended,
or denied if a member is in material violation of this Code of Conduct.

Let's Go For A Ride

Jersey Orders

New orders for club gear are not currently active. 

Bicycles are vehicles under WI law and thus you must follow all traffic laws!

Ride responsibly, wear your helmet!

Children under 14 ride must be accompanied by an adult. 

Club Officers

Doug Lee 

Vice President
Walt Williams

Jeremy Zorns

Christy Hoff

Member at Large
John Rodriquez

Jenn Seivert/Cathy Hicks

COVID-19 Notice

With current conditions of COVID-19 the following disclaimers apply:

 - Please do not show up to a ride if you are not feeling well or are exhibiting any flu or 

cold-like symptoms.

- If you are uncomfortable in any way, please refrain from participating in any ride.

- Use social distancing at the start and end of all rides - as much as reasonably possible